Original ReacTickles revisited

In response to a lot of interest recently in the original ReacTickles, Joel and I have been working on re-creating them for the web, so they will run from your browser, rather than having to load and install a CD.

In July I gave a talk for in London at the ESRC Shaping Autism Research seminar, which focused on “Doing research well: Building a participatory framework for autism research”. I showed some early videos of ReacTickles in the presentation, and was approached by Dr.Ginny Russell, to ask whether ReacTickles could be included in the Exploring Diagnosis project. I also presented ReacTickles at my inaugural professorial lecture “Leave Out Everything Except the Magic which reminded me of how important the research that led to ReacTickles was for understanding the role of technology in inclusion.

Thanks to the Exploring Diagnosis project for helping to fund the new ReacTickles work. We were delighted that a number of our software applications have been used in the film workshops, we are now experimenting to make all our applications available and free to use on the web.

Here are our first new ReacTickles 3, ReacTickles for web, there are more on the way. Joel has also released the code, describing the bugs and fixes in detail.

Bouncing Circles, use your keyboard to explore speed, position and pressure

Springy Circles, use your mouse to explore elasticity

Keyboard Worm, use your keyboard to explore velocity.

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