Category Archives: Project

Conceptualising Kinesthesia – Making Movement Palpable

Wendy and Lise Hansen presented a paper entitled Conceptualising Kinesthesia – Making Movement Palpable at the European Academy of Design conference in Rome The motivation for the paper, and a new network of collaborators is to reconnect with the sensuous, experiential nature of movement, to visualize data in a move away from the … Continue Reading ››

Towards Independence: Using motion sensing technologies to amplify the abilities of adults with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties

Keay-Bright, W. (2014) Towards Independence: Using motion sensing technologies to amplify the abilities of adults with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties, Recent Advances in Assistive Technology & Engineering, RAatE 2014 RAatE 2014 is the only UK conference focused on the latest innovations and developments in assistive technology (AT).


Somantics uses motion sensing and projection technology to recognise and convert gesture into visceral, real-world digital performances. The aim of the work has to produce a suite of 'tools for expression' that discover, capture and amplify the communication interests of young people with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and other related communication difficulties.

The Reactive Colours project: demonstrating participatory and collaborative design methods for the creation of software for autistic children.

Keay-Bright, W. (2007) The Reactive Colours project: demonstrating participatory and collaborative design methods for the creation of software for autistic children. Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp.7-16 *Won Award for Excellence in Design